
District Technology

Usage/All PreK-12 Students

Students will follow the Climax Springs R-IV School Technology Usage policies EHB and JG-R and agree to abide by their provisions.  Violation of these provisions may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, suspension or revocation of access to district technology and suspension or expulsion from school.

Electronic communications, downloaded material and all data stored on the district’s technology resources, including files deleted from a user’s account, may be intercepted, accessed, monitored, or searched by district administrators or their designees at any time in the regular course of business.  Such access may include, but is not limited to, verifying users are complying with district policies and rules and investigating potential misconduct.  Any such search, access, or interception shall comply with all applicable laws.  Users are required to return district technology resources to the district upon demand including, but not limited to, netbooks, laptops and tablets, etc.